The Squadnet Calendar- members will never miss an event or training

At Squadnet we hear all the time that one of the challenges for sports clubs is that members and families are not aware or forget about the dates and events. Lets explore how to create and share events with Squadnet.
Published at 12/19/2023

How to create your first event

On the web

The Squadnet Calendar allows clubs admins and coaches to easily place in any important dates that will then be accessible in the Club App and also backed up by an automated notification system.
Dates can easily be imported event by event or in batches into the Web Club admin panel by visiting the "Full Calendar" menu icon in the side bar.
In side Full Calendar page, you can either click on "Create an event" button or click on the empty slot in calendar to create a new event.
In addition to regular information required for event, you can also make event RSVP enabled so you can check who's going to the event. You can also create recurring event from this panel; or attach match information if it is a competition event.
Once created, the event will be placed into your calendar. Clicking on the "Event" slot will open the event information. You can edit the event by clicking on the menu icon. Or viewing the event on it's own page.

From the app

It's also easy to create new event using Squadnet app. Follow below steps, you can fill-in similar information to create a new event in app.
As admin, you can see all club events. There is also an option to edit event which you can quickly update events without requiring to open the browser.

How does events work for my members?

General club events

By default, when creating an event, it will be available for the whole club. Member can RSVPs for an event if it is enabled. We'll send push notification to members + admins when event is about to happen 1 hour before.

Teams events

When adding teams to event, event will only be available to teams. Similar to club event, team members can RSVP if it is enabled.

Family access to event

If you only place children to a team, their parents still have access and be able to RSVP an event for their children. This is useful for family with young children for parents to keep track of their training sessions. For club, it's easy for admin/coach to identify who's in the team and not too confused with parent allocation.

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