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First time coach and don't know what do?

Kieran Longhurst
Kieran Longhurst

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From our experience at Squadnet, as a first-time sports coach, it's normal to feel a little unsure about what to do.
Here are some pieces of advice that may help:
Start with the basics with your players:
It's important to make sure that your players have a solid foundation of the fundamentals. This includes things like stance, ball-handling, footwork etc Spend some time reviewing these basics and helping your athletes develop their skills.
Communicate with your team:
It's important to establish open communication with your athletes from the beginning. Make sure they understand your expectations and that you understand their goals and limitations. Encourage your athletes to ask questions and provide feedback. It is also important to establish communication channels with the Parents as well, making sure everyone is on the same page. 
Keep things fun:
Sports should always remain fun, so make sure your practices and games are enjoyable and fun for your athletes. Try to mix things up to keep things interesting, and be sure to recognize and celebrate successes, both big and small.
Be organised:
Always plan ahead and have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish in practices and games. Develop a practice plan and make sure you have all the necessary equipment and materials. Also make sure you have spare copies of all materials you want to give to parents. One copy is not enough for one child as like everyone their situations may be different from everyone else. 
Learn from experienced coaches:
Don't be afraid to ask other coaches for advice or attend coaching clinics or workshops. There's always something to learn, and other coaches may have insights that you haven't considered. Have a coaching buddy, someone who is also a coach and you bounce ideas off and talk to see if those ideas can work. 
Develop your own style: 
When you learn a drill or tactical formation from another coach don't just copy and paste the same thing. Every team is different just as every coach is different. Use the idea you gather and put your own twist on it. Make it your own drill or formation and always be ready to adjust as just like how all coaches are not the same, players are not the same as well. 
Remember, being a coach is a continual learning process. Don't be too hard on yourself and keep an open mind. Because as you grow you will develop your own coaching style.
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