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Why is Sport Volunteerism down?

Squadnet Team
Squadnet Team

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At Squadnet we believe that there are 3 main reasons why sport volunteering has be down in recent years:
Changing Attitudes: 
Firstly, it seems community attitudes may be changing  towards volunteering,  with some individuals placing less importance on volunteering or prioritising other activities instead. This could be due to various factors, such as shifting societal values or increased competition for leisure time.
The COVID Pandemic:
The pandemic seems to has affected many aspects of society, including sports volunteering. Many sports events were cancelled or postponed, reducing the need for volunteers. Additionally, health concerns and safety precautions may have deterred some individuals  returning to volunteering.
Time Constraints:
 Many people lead busy lives and may not have the time to commit to volunteering regularly. This could be due to work, family obligations, or other commitments.
Overall, we believe a combination of these factors and others may be contributing to the decline in sports volunteering.
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