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Should professional athletes be viewed as role models?

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In recent years in professional sport we are seeing many more examples of some Athletes who are de- prioritising sportsmanship and it raises the important question, are these the lessons that we want to be teaching junior sport? 
At Squadnet we believe that being a “good sport” has so many benefits for young people beyond sport, including:
Learning to respect opponents: Sportsmanship encourages athletes to treat their opponents with respect, both on and off the field. It helps prevent unsportsmanlike behaviour such as taunting, trash-talking, or other disrespectful actions that can escalate tensions and detract from the game
Builds Character: Sportsmanship can help build character by promoting qualities such as honesty, integrity, and respect. It helps athletes develop self-discipline, teamwork, and leadership skills, which can benefit them in all areas of their lives.
Encourages Long-Term Participation: Sportsmanship helps create an environment where athletes feel welcome and respected, which can encourage long-term participation in sports. It helps promote a love of the game and a sense of enjoyment in competition, which can lead to a lifetime of physical activity and healthy habits.
Creates a positive environment: Sportsmanship helps create a positive and enjoyable environment for all participants, including athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators. It encourages sportsmanship among all members of the sports community and helps foster a sense of community and camaraderie.
Is it the parents and Sports Clubs responsibility to foster kids into “ Good Sports” or should we be looking more to our athlete leaders to be pushing this message?
We would love your thoughts on the above?
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