Four ways to add members to team

We understand managing teams of hundreds of members can be a time consuming and arduous task. With Squadnet, you can add members to teams in four different ways, including bulk imports and self-service.
Published at 12/19/2023

Bulk Imports

We understand you might already have teams pre-allocated from a CRM, competition app or on a spreadsheet. If that is the case, please follow this bulk import guide to add member to teams. This is the most efficient way to add hundred of members to teams quickly.

Self-join teams when Members first join your club

When a new member joins your club, you can enable them to select existing teams by themselves. This is handy when you first setup Club with Squadnet and doesn't have spreadsheet files ready to import members.
This process creates a pop up question in the App where members self select. How:
Inside side menu, click on "Extra Member Info" menu item. Then select "Use automatic team settings for linked account" for quick shortcut. Otherwise, click on "Add custom field" then select "Team" in Field Type.
If you want your members to join multiple teams, you can toggle the "Multiple Team" button.
Last but not least, select "Role" that enables the automatic team registration. Please see Role article for more information on different Roles.

Self-enrolment for existing members or for a new season

This option is more flexible as you can enable your members to self-enrol into teams at any time. You also have more control on the team role and whom to add to team with review process. As the club's admin you can Accept/Decline enrolment requests to finalise team members.
In Teams page, and click "Add new enrolment".
This will open the form with a few options. The first option is your member's club level role. When they enrol in the team, you can use second option to assign them to the team role. Please also select "Start date" and "End Date" for enrolment period.
You can also create the enrolment in advance. Once the time is ticked and selected, your members can use the Squadnet's app to enrol themselves into a team.

Manual team management

If your members is already on Squadnet and you want to move them to a different team, you can manually do so on your club dashboard.
Click on "Members" within team's menu to go to team members page. In side this page, click on "Add Members" button on the top right. You can now select/deselect members from team on this page.

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